Have impaired ankle rocker or ankle dorsiflexion ? Try out these shoes.

Have impaired mid or forefoot rockers?

This will come to little surprise to anyone who has been here awhile at TGG. But I finally got around to putting on a pair of the HOKA Bondi 5 recently and boy was I surprised how much rocker was built into the forefoot. I can now see why there is such a dramatically beneficial response to patients with a painful hallux joint complex. I had been in their Claytons and Cliftons before to trial them out, but never a pair of Bondi 5's.
If you have a client with impaired mid to late stage ankle rocker or forefoot rockers (there are 3 rockers, Heel Rocker, Ankle rocker, and Forefoot Rocker) this shoe will buffer the loads. It is no replacement for attempting to remedy biomechanical faults or limitations, but , if you have a client where solution is not available and management of loads i the only way, then this shoe will be a gem to you and the client. Go try a pair on so you know what we mean. The rocker is massive and effective, and one might argue, a little excessive (but we are not complaining). The Dansko clog can be another alternative for some clients.

Changes in running kinematics and kinetics in response to a rockered shoe intervention.
Boyer KA, Andriacchi TP.
Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2009 Dec;24(10):872-6. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2009.08.003. Epub 2009 Sep 9.

Hoka Bondi or Dansko Clog